Lorraine Curtin

a travelling life coach

Chapter by chapter coaching - let's shake things up! 

Contact Me

Next Chapter Coaching

I help you plan for your next chapter of life, be this children flying the nest to planning your ambitions for life outside the working world.

We will work to rediscover your values, set your purpose and help you cease opportunities for yourself.

Life Coaching

Whether you're dealing with burnout, facing change, or battling self-doubt, I'm here to help.

We'll discover your values, tackle limiting beliefs, and boost your confidence, so you can face any challenge with strength.

Career Coaching

I can assist you overcoming challenges, moving into leadership roles, reaching your career goals.

I have over 20 years experience working in Customer Service Operations. I will help you if you are  starting out or stuck in your career.

Coaching Packages
A winding road leading up a mountain, with bright blue sky.

Take this journey with me.

I believe that knowing our core values, and living by them, can change everything. Have you ever achieved a goal, and felt less satisfied than you expected?! Why?

We will work together to find what drives you in a safe confidential space where you can freely share your ideas.

I will help you concentrate on what really matters to you.  And we will  have some fun along the way!

I understand that finding someone to trust with your life's ambitions and challenges, can be tough. These are moments you may feel vulnerable. I understand this, I've been there myself.

I am passionate about your story, and I'm committed to your success.

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I am a certified Personal Performance Life Coach, I studied with The Coaching Academy - course approved by International Coaching Federation (ICF).

What's it all for? - a question which kept coming up for me.  I worked on my answers and in 2022, I completely changed my life: I sold my house and gave up my job. Now I travel full-time, taking coaching on the road! Travel gives me so much perspective. A lifestyle I love!

Before this, in business, I built customer support departments for National Projects, Startup's and most recently for the UK’s largest commercial radio group Global Media and Entertainment.  

I take all my experience, and learning, into coaching, tailoring questions which unlock and inspire your thinking.

Lorraine Curtin pictured 
in front of colourful flowers
Contact Me

Free Resources

A Word From My Clients

Initially I was unsure if I needed coaching on anything in particular, but shortly into our session, I had a myriad of ideas and very clear goal in mind. Over the next 6 sessions, I gained huge clarity and also became very aware blocks keeping me stuck which helped me to make a lot of progress each fortnight between our sessions. Lorraine is an amazing coach, with a wonderful, warm yet wise way about her. Her corporate background means that she is very skilled and her approach is also very empowering which really boosted my confidence. I would highly recommend Lorraine as a coach to anyone even thinking about taking the plunge.

Cathy Dowden

Lorraine is a natural! She is empathetic, positive and makes me feel comfortable. Her supportive questioning has enabled me to take actions that have positively impacted my life. Thank you Lorraine..

Mona Shah

Lorraine has a lovely calm manner which immediately made me feel at ease. She helped me explore and break down tasks I had been struggling with creating a simpler clear path forward. She also helped me raise awareness of what’s important to me, so that’s where I can focus my energy. Thanks, Lorraine, for all your help I feel much more focused and determined now!

Emma Harrison

I have really enjoyed working with Lorraine. I felt that we had a really great rapport from the beginning. Lorraine’s approach is one that is calm, patient and non judgemental, which allowed me to be me. Lorraine gave me space which allowed me to be open and honest about what was going on for me from the start, which allowed me to work through and achieve the things that I truly wanted.I felt listened to throughout our sessions. I felt that Lorraine genuinely cared about me and really wanted to support me.


I worked with Lorraine for about a year. At the start, I lacked confidence and felt overwhelmed. Lorraine's calm and understanding approach gave me hope. She helped me set goals related to my health, fitness, nutrition, music, and completing studies.Through coaching I excelled in these areas. Lorraine's attentive listening and insightful questions helped me explore my confidence challenges. She gently encouraged me to confront my fears. I've learned to combat negativity, anxiety, and overwhelm, embracing the mantra 'I can.' I highly recommend Lorraine to anyone looking to work with a dedicated professional. She genuinely cares about your success and can help you make significant life improvements.

Debbie Clarke

Lorraine is a great coach. Her relaxed open style made it easy for me to feel as ease and to feel safe quite quickly. Lorraine was always punctual, reliable and always had a professional approach towards the sessions.As our sessions progressed Lorraine encouraged me to look deeper inside myself in all sorts of ways. She has helped me to move forwards on a personal development level which is positively impacting several areas of my life now. I would highly recommend Lorraine as a coach.

Sharon Denford


  1. What is my coaching style?

    My style is action and values focused, emphasising practical and actionable steps. My goal is to support you in achieving your objectives while making the coaching journey enjoyable and beneficial.
  2. How quickly will I see changes?

    Immediately, you will find shifts, changes and insights even after the first session. At every session we will talk about what you felt, so that you can keep track
  3. Is coaching for me?

    Most people who have an experience of coaching find it of benefit. The best thing to do is try it for yourself.
  4. How is coaching different to other forms of interventions?

    Coaching works with clients on their desire to move forward in their lives. A coach works with their client to uncover their own answers using their internal resources. Counselling – a counsellor might work with those experiencing significant levels or distress, which is impacting their daily lives.A therapist works with those who are seeking support due to a previous trauma in their lives
  5. How much does coaching cost?

    I provide 1:1 coaching packages tailored to your needs, so we will discuss this on a free coaching experience session. As an indicator - 1hr session will cost £86 (€98). Packages of 3 or more sessions will costs less, per session, than buying time individually. I may offer discounts depending on the number of session or your circumstances e.g. unemployed, fulltime traveller.

Get in touch with me..

Let's organise a FREE coaching experience session, feel the power of coaching.

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Three photos of a lady with blue background. She is smiling

Online Coaching

As I travel fulltime, I offer online coaching only, you get the same contact and content without the hassle of travel and unfamiliar surroundings.

Online coaching gives you so much choice to work with a coach from wherever you, or their, location is.

There are many benefits to being coached this way, no traffic, parking issues, travel costs or rushing back from the work commute. My sessions are done using Skype, Zoom or WhatsApp video call from the comfort of your home to the comfort of my home.

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Free Coaching Experience

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Tea tray with a selection of moroccan cakes.


£147 / €169
This package gives you a real taste of Coaching, Accountability, Reflection and a FREE Intro call.
Book a Time to Get Started
  • Foundations - get set up with pre-work on Values
  • 1hr Coaching 1:1 with me
  • Action Plan
  • Accountability - one mid way progress check in
  • Reflection Session - 40 mins 1:1
  • Free intro session 45 mins
  • *Loved these sessions? Buy either Taster or Power Up and get 20% off Coaching Pack 1:1!
A road running through a desert valley.


Multi Session Package
£595 / €684
Check out the full details below.
book a time to get started
  • Introductory Session
  • 5 Coaching Sessions online with Me. 1 hour each.
  • 2 Accountability progress check in's
  • 1 Reflection Session - where we look at progress and celebrate success. 1hour 1:1.
  • Clear actions from every session
The Coaching Academy Personal Performance Accredited Coach Image